Welcome To The Mayan Mexican Hammock Source.

Providing authentic, handmade Mayan Hammocks & Mexican Hammocks.

We are pleased to be offering you the best selection on Mayan and Mexican hammocks. All our hammocks are made by local Mayan women, who make these hammocks following the traditional Mayan hammock weaving methods. When you get a Mayan hammock, you are helping the local Mayans develop a sustainable, fair living wage.

About Us and Mayan Mexican Hammocks

It only takes a spark and a desire to see others rise above their situation. As avid travellers like many of you, we have seen how others around the world are relegated to the sidelines. In Mexico, it's the local Mayans who still experience poverty and discrimination. But it doesn't have to be that way...

In today's global economy, with the abiltiy to sell and buy around the world with the click of a mouse, the new economy has helped level the playing field. Our team members are a dedicated bunch of travel adventurists and socially conscious people who want to harness their skills and passions to help out those looking for their opportunity to get in on the new world to seek their fair share. We are involved in everything social and global, from micro-loans to volunteer vacations, and have as our common mission here to support the Mayan women earn a fair income through the fair trade in their Mayan hammocks.

If you would like more information on how you can help the next time you go to Mexico and the Yucatan area, please drop us an Email.

You can also drop us a line at:

Mayan Mexican Hammocks
1958 South 950 East
Provo, UT 8460 USA

Join the Movement

Your support makes a difference. We work with local Mayan villagers and artisanal co-ops to promote their unique handcrafts. Your patronage supports the local Mayan communities and works towards providing a sustainable income for the indigenous local families.

More Info

The Maya people of today include the Indigenous American people of southern Mexico and northern Central America. Today, there are an estimated 7 million Mayans living in this area. The largest populations of present-day Mayan people inhabit the northern area of Guatemala, Belize, and the western portions of Honduras and El Salvador. There are also large segments of Mayan people living within the Mexican states of Campeche, Quintana Roo, Tabasco, and Chiapas. The largest group of modern Mayans can be found in the Mexican state of Yucatán, on Mexico's Yucatán Peninsula. (source: Wikipedia)